Two years ago when Cindy was back visiting her Dad in Indiana, they stopped at an Amish farm and bought some melons.
They enjoyed the tasty cantaloupes so much that she decided to save some of the seeds and bring them home with her, intending to plant them the next year. Her Dad died unexpectedly early last year and it was such a chaotic time for us that she didn't get around to planting the melons then, so she decided to try it this year.
On her first attempt she planted the seeds directly in the ground, but the pill bugs and other insects nibbled the emerging plants off before they could put out enough leaves to become established, so next she raised them in the small greenhouse cabinet until they were big enough to transplant.
They're Coming Up! |
Since she didn't know what variety of cantaloupes these were, it's been a sort of "by guess and by golly" approach, but the plants seemed to be thriving and we saw that they were setting some fruit earlier this summer.
So lately it's been a matter of waiting until they were ready to pick, and today they were ready.
Two Beautiful Melons |
We had one for lunch today; it was yummy and very juicy. And now she's got more seeds to start them again next year.