Wednesday, September 22, 2010

... Of The Mighty Oregon!

"Oregon, our alma mater,
Umble bumble umble bum,
Umble bumble umble
Umble bumble  OREGON*.

Umble bumble umble bumble
Umble bumble OREGON.
Umble bumble umble bumble
Of the Mighty OREGON!


O.K., so I didn't learn all the words to the U of O fight song in college.  In fact, I understand there's some controversy as to exactly what the words are.  When I went to school in the late sixties, "school spirit" wasn't exactly big on the agenda, given that the Ducks were usually fighting with the Beavers to avoid the cellar of the Pac-10 (then the Pac-8).  It got a little better when I was in law school, because Dan Fouts was the quarterback, throwing passes to Bobby Moore (who later became Ahmad Rashad) and the team had some success at last, although track was still the main focus, with Steve Prefontaine smashing world records on a regular basis.

You may ask, "What does this have to do with your garden?"  Indeed, you may ask.

When the new rain barrels were brought in for installation today, the smaller tank (130 gallons) became a big green monolith just outside the back door.  I told Cindy I expected to see a chimpanzee tossing a bone over it.

We started talking about how to decorate around it:  lattice?  vines?  pots of flowers?  She promptly vetoed my suggestion of some tasteful yellow trim and a honkin' big Fighting Ducks decal, but with the oval opening in the center, it does look kinda like a great big green Oregon symbol.

Pix of the whole system tomorrow!

* It's pronounced ORYgun, not Oreh-gone, as most Eastern sportscasters pronounce it.  If you say "Oreh-gone", you will get The Look and somebody will say, "You're not from around here, are you?"

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