Monday, November 15, 2010

Can't Beat Those Beets

Well, actually, we didn't care much for the Chioggia beets we had the other night; they were way too sweet.  They're sometimes called "Candystripe" for their concentric pinkish and white rings, but the "candy" part is also appropriate for the sweet taste of these beets.  It wasn't a bad tasting beet, but it just wasn't what I expected a beet to taste like.

Beet Greens

Cindy would be fine with just the beet greens from the Chioggias, but she likes Detroit Reds better, so I think she'll be planting some more of them soon and skip the Chioggias.

She made some beet gnocchi a couple of months ago that was as pretty as it was tasty, so I suspect we'll be having more of that some day.

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