Friday, July 22, 2011

Shock! Horror!

Butternut Squash
Varmint toothmarks on the Butternut Squash!  Oh, the horror!

Cindy is very rightly totally pissed off about this.

She has been diligently constructing the varmint repelling shields for the two new raised beds behind the garage, but it's slow going because the beds are an irregular shape and the support posts are inside the beds instead of on the outside as they were on the original raised bed.

That means that each panel has to be custom tailored to fit each individual space for it all to fit together properly, and all the careful measuring and cutting takes time.

Meanwhile, the two Butternut Squash that had set on were growing, and growing, and growing.  Cindy had completed all but three of the panels around the squash bed, when the varmints struck at night.  She found the teeth marks yesterday morning.

It's so disgusting because the squash were coming along so nicely, and the critters got both of them.

The only good thing is the fact that once the panels are finished, they will be useful for many years to come, although that's not much consolation for losing these squash.

Now we need to finish the enclosure to protect the pumpkin bed.


Anonymous said...

Oh no! What particular genre of varmint do you suspect is engaged in this nefarious conduct?

Anonymous said...

It's me, Val posting the above comment as Anonymous because I can't get this blog to accept my profile.

Kay said...

Hi Val. Others have had problems posting comments, too, but I can't figure out how to tweak the blog to let it accept comments.

We think the critter was either a ground squirrel or a canyon rat. Cindy suspected birds were doing some of the nibbling at first, but these are pretty big teeth marks, not peck marks.