Tuesday, September 6, 2011


We woke up yesterday morning to find water droplets on the car windows.  There wasn't even enough of it to call it a shower, but we continued to get small amounts of moisture throughout the day and into the evening.

It didn't amount to much, but any rain at this time of year is unusual, and very welcome.  Our friends who live in other parts of the country are amused that we get so excited about a little bit of rain, but when it's been four months since the last time it rained, you can't help getting excited.

"What's the weather like in San Diego today?"
"It's cloudy!  We even had a little rain!  It's wonderful!"

So we had a cloudy, relaxing Labor day with the smell of rain in the soft air.  This morning we even had some thunder, which spooked Jenna and Bailey, our two youngest cats; it's so rare here that they may never have heard it before.  They couldn't decide whether the noise was a threat that required them to hide, or an excuse to tear around the house like a herd of stampeding buffalo.  So they did a little of both.

Anyway, we're grateful for any amount of rain at this time of year.

1 comment:

Bob phillips said...

It's hot in the Willamette Valley (90's) and that pulls the fog into Salishan at the beach house. The fog condenses on the pines, spruce and drops like rain.