Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Current Project
When we took out the Eugenia hedge four or five years ago, it didn't occur to us that it would keep coming back again and again.  But it did.  Cindy kept cutting it back every couple of months, but it was clear that just cutting it wasn't going to kill the stumps.

When we started our back yard renovation project two years ago, we knew that we would have to deal with the Eugenia stumps when we did the north side of the yard.  Our goal is to put some small fruit trees in that area and make a level area for the barbecue grill.

So now that we've started this phase of the project, that meant the stumps finally had to go.  Greg Eubanks of Serenity Gardens has been working on them for a couple of weeks.  He was doing fine until he hit one huge old stump that seemed to have roots that went all the way to China, but he finally got that one out, too.

In all, there were about thirty Eugenia stumps, but they finally all came out.
Monster Stump
Then he realized he had forgotten that he also needed to take out the stumps from the old Boxwood hedge that was parallel to the Eugenia hedge (it never made any sense to us, but that's how it was).  Those stumps are smaller and we're all hoping they won't be as difficult to remove as the monster Eugenia stump was.

Once the Boxwood stumps are out, Greg will build a retaining wall similar to the wall he built on the south side of the yard.  The new wall will help prevent erosion and will include some steps down toward the canyon for fire access.

Anyway, that's the plan.

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