Thursday, November 1, 2012

Finally, A Successful Launch

Out of five Monarch caterpillars that formed chrysalises, three have hatched out.

The first one never was able to get its wings filled out;  the chrysalis had fallen a couple of times and the fluid the butterfly depends on to fill out its wings never got into the wings properly.

Number two hatched out a couple of days ago.  His wings filled out, but he never seemed to get going.  He finally made it out of the cage, but we found him on the ground with his wings outstretched, but after a while it was clear he was dead.  We just don't  know what went wrong with that one.

Butterfly Number Three, second chrysalis from the right in the picture above, hatched out yesterday afternoon and hung on to the top of the cage for a while.  We were afraid to get our hopes up again, but today, she moved to the top of the cage, then ventured out, trying to get her wings going.

She landed on the cement outside the cage and staggered around for a while, so I lifted her up onto the Jacaranda branches.  She hung there for a while resting, then went up on top of the branch, trying her wings.

And then we watched as she flew away, down toward the canyon.

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