Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Strange Bugs

Our neighbor knocked on the door yesterday and told us that our purple Iochroma was covered with strange looking bugs.

We thought at first they might be aphids, but on closer inspection they looked different from the usual sort of aphid we have all over the Asclepia in the butterfly garden.

Ants tend the aphids for the honeydew they secrete, and these insects also had ants close by who appeared very interested in them.

The majority of the bugs were quite small, about two millimeters long, although there were a few larger ones about four to five millimeters.  The larger ones were rounder, with yellowish bodies and what appeared to be long, pig-like snouts.  They're pretty tiny, but they look like they should figure in a science fiction movie.

So what are these things?  Hairy aphids?  Punk versions of a Leafhopper nymph?  Pig-snouted, spiny sap-suckers?  

Cindy dropped a bag of them off at the San Diego County Cooperative Extension Farm & Home Advisor office, aka County Ag. this morning.  The entomologists there should be able to identify the bugs and will send Cindy a report by e-mail in a few days.  

They really don't look like anything beneficial, and there are a LOT of them.  

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