Sunday, February 16, 2014


We were out in our front yard recently and saw a crow in the street dragging a steak bone that it had evidently just scavenged from somebody's trash bin.  That wasn't too surprising; these intelligent, raucous birds have taken up residence in the Eucalyptus trees in the neighborhood and never seem to stop squabbling among themselves and terrorizing other birds.  They're sort of Hell's Angels with feathers.

As we watched, the crow finally got control of the bone and flew with it up onto the roof of our neighbors' garage, where it did its little crow happy dance and kept a lookout for other crows who might steal it away as it continued to peck at the bone for a while.

We had forgotten all about that until yesterday, when we were sitting out on the front porch and spotted a strange object on their garage roof looking like, yes, a t-bone.

I suppose some day we should tell the neighbors that they have a steak bone on their garage roof.

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