Saturday, November 22, 2014

Citrus Leaf Miner

A friend of mine asked Cindy recently if she could identify the bug that was damaging the leaves of her citrus plants.  The insect turned out to be the Citrus Leaf Miner, which leaves distinctive trails across the surface of the leaves as it sucks moisture out of the leaves.

Citrus Leaf Miner Damage
As I was passing our own citrus plants in the pots on the driveway, I noticed that those leaves also showed the same trails.

The larvae of these insects feed by creating tunnels inside the leaves of citrus trees, which create the delicate lines on the leaves.  The larvae then pupate in the curled edge of the leaf.

Because the larvae are tunneling inside the leaves, there's not much that can be done to control them, but the good news is that the damage they cause is usually not sufficient to kill the tree.

Curled Leaf
Maybe we should get the deer back to "prune" the citrus trees again.

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