Friday, May 15, 2020

Thursday In The Park

We've been wanting to check out the Kate Sessions Park for some time, but weren't sure exactly where it was located.  Turns out that if you stand in the parking lot of Gelson's Market in Pacific Beach, where we often shop, and look up the hill, you can probably see it from there.

So, since our options for our Thursday Play Days are pretty limited with the Covid-19 restrictions, we decided to go for a brief walk in the park named for San Diego's pioneering botanist, Kate Sessions.   Known as the "Mother of Balboa Park", she apparently recommended that the city reserve this 79 acre space as a city park.

View of Mission Bay
We wore our masks, but very few of the people we saw in the park were wearing masks, although they were, mostly, observing the social distancing requirements.

Most People Were Staying Apart

Although These Dudes Weren't
The view from the top of the hill toward the ocean was spectacular.

And then we spotted this fearsome creature.  Was it Sasquatch?  A Yeti?  An angry Grizzly Bear?   No, but I'm starting to feel a bit like a Sasquatch two months after my last hair cut.

Yes, I Really, Really Do Need a Haircut

But there was also this magnificent Jacaranda tree.

It was a very nice day, and a welcome change of pace.  We were out of the house but also staying safe.

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