Wednesday, August 25, 2010

When Life Hands You Lemons...

Or, in our case, limes. Our friend Judy came over today and asked how Cindy's Meyers lemon tree was doing, so we had to tell her that we had come to the conclusion that the tree was really a lime tree.

Turned out she had gone with Cindy to the nursery a year ago and bought what she thought was a Meyers lemon tree, too. Hers have stubbornly refused to turn yellow, too, so now we know that the nursery mislabeled the plants. Now we're wondering about the other two trees Cindy bought--are they both oranges? Is one actually a lemon? She thought she was buying a Meyers lemon, a blood orange and a lime. The other two trees have little nubs on them, but the fruit is not developed enough to tell what it is yet.

I would say they'd bought a lemon, but it turns out they didn't.

Fortunately, limes go really well with Corona beer.

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