Monday, June 20, 2011

Pumpkin? Squash?

From This....
Whatever it is, it's growing rapidly.  Cindy planted pumpkin and squash seeds before she left for Indiana a month ago.  She put these protective cages made of hardware cloth over the seeds to keep the squirrels, the California Towhees, the Mourning Doves and other ground feeders from digging up and eating the seeds.

It took a while for the seeds to sprout, but they did eventually start sending out a few leaves.  I left the cages on for a while but finally took the cage off the plant in the lower bed because the leaves were touching the sides of the cage.  Then I saw the neighborhood bunny rabbit out there one morning and had the horrible thought that it might be eating the leaves, so I put the cage back on.

To This
By now the plants are so big that they can't stay inside the cages any more although now the damage is coming from real bugs rather than from Bugs Bunny.

We're still not sure which is the pumpkin and which is the squash, but we'll find that out eventually.

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