Friday, July 8, 2011

Leek Flower

Leek Flower
 The leek flower continues to delight us.  It's even bigger now than it was when it first emerged from the pod.

Each of the tiny purple and white buds has a delicate pink stem leading down into the heart of the flower.

Neither of us had ever seen a leek flower before, so we just decided to let it go and see what happened, but we had no idea it would be so entertaining to watch it unfold.


Anonymous said...

Kay, I truly think the problem's with Blogger. I'll try posting anonymously instead of signing in on my Google account. That leek flower is so cool!


Anonymous said...

And it works when I'm anonymous! I think the problem lies with Google. Or it could be something with my security settings where it doesn't allow me to stay signed in on Google/Bogger.

Kay said...

Go figure. I haven't had trouble posting while signed in, so I thought it was my blog at fault. Hmmm.