Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pink Naked Lady

Naked Lady Bud
That's what the neighbors say this plant is called.

It just showed up in our planter; one day there was nothing and the next there was this leafless stalk with a pink bud on the end of it.

We didn't plant it and have no idea how it got there.  The neighbors say that these plants come from a bulb that grows all over the hillsides in our canyon, so one of the varmints probably carried it in and buried it in the planter.  Maybe they think they owe us something for all the vegetables and other plants they've destroyed over the years.

When we told Cindy's dad about it, he said maybe we should plant some among the zucchinis and cucumbers.  I didn't get the joke, but Cindy said, no, those are growing at a rapid enough clip, thank you.

Pink Naked Lady

Anyway, we've had fun watching the bud and flowers unfold over the last week.

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