Sunday, January 8, 2012

Can Of Worms

Can of Worms
Several years ago one of Cindy's Master Gardener friends sent out an SOS for somebody to take some of her red worms; they had reproduced so prolifically that she was running out of room for them in her bin.

So Cindy got into the process of worm farming.  We bought a bin cleverly titled "Can 'O Worms", put the appropriate amount of bedding and the worms in, and left them to it.

Cindy adds kitchen scraps and clean bedding for them from time to time and drains off the resulting "worm tea", which makes a wonderful fertilizer for her plants.  

We're occasionally had to cover the bin in cold weather or move it into the garage when a lot of rain was forecast.  Other than that, though, the worms don't require much care or attention.

Apparently today's sports page has now become part of the worms' bedding; she informed me that if I wanted it, I'd have to check the worm bin before they began eating it.  (She thinks I watch too much football.)

I said I didn't think it was a good idea to feed them the sports page--it might make them choke, like both the Chargers and the Padres did last year.

CONGRATULATIONS U of O DUCKS!  Ninety five years since they last won the Rose Bowl.

Really?  Too much football?  Me?


Val said...

hi Kay and Cindy - My best friend Mags Lew has worms too, She feeds them scraps and they don't ask for much else. Love to you both and no, no such thing as too much football. Did you see the end of the Denver game Sunday? Yowee and thanks to those great spoilers the Chargers, Oakland lost the week before and we squeezed in by the skin of our teeth! Yay, Broncos!.

Kay said...

Hi Val,
Sorry to say I was rooting for the Steelers, which is probably what doomed them. I can't stand Tebow, but he did play well.
The worms really don't need much and we love the fact that they dispose of the kitchen scraps and give the "tea" in return.

We're keeping you and Bear in our thoughts.
