Sunday, January 29, 2012

Potatoes Up!

The seed potatoes Cindy planted in the two Potato Grow Bags have come up and are starting to leaf out.  As they continue to grow, she'll add more soil to the bags and raise the sides until the whole bag is filled with soil and growing potatoes.

Right now she's busily constructing protective cages out of hardware cloth to keep the voracious varmints from nibbling off the tender young leaves.  She builds these cages out of quarter inch hardware cloth and holds the sides together with electrical ties.  She also covers the bags at night.

Anti-Varmint Cage
It's a pretty clever system and so far has thwarted the larger varmints and the birds, although sow bugs can still get through the openings in the hardware cloth.

It will take the potatoes a while to grow, but with this protection, at least we have a chance of getting some of them eventually.

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