Friday, February 10, 2012

They're Baaaaack....

Marah macrocarpus
The Marah macrocarpus (Wild Cucumber) vine that we fought off last year has reappeared, and once again appears bent on world domination.  It's currently crawling over the remains of the Eugenia hedge and the Jacaranda tree.

Unlike the ones we accidentally sprouted last year after finding the unknown nuts in the corner of one of the raised beds, this vine appeared on its own, but thanks to last year's experience, we recognized it quickly.

What we don't know is where the root is.  Since these things are also called "man root" for the size of the fibrous tubers they grow from, and since this one has appeared for the last several years, the basic root is probably pretty huge.

One thing is certain, though, and that is that the vine has to go before it chokes out something we actually want to grow here.

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