Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Persistence of Paper Wasps

Under the Umbrella
The Paper Wasps that established a nest under our metal patio cover last summer went dormant during the winter but started up again this spring.  They chew up bits of wood and plant materials to make the cell structure of their nests, gradually adding more and more cells to expand the nest where the queen lays eggs to replenish the supply of worker wasps.

We watched them with caution because they do have stingers and will sting repeatedly if the nest is disturbed, but they didn't bother us at all, even though we were constantly going in and out of the french doors not far from their nest.

We left them alone because they eat insects and pest caterpillars, which is O.K. with us.  Cindy did not find ANY Tobacco Hornworms on her tomato plants all last year, which is the first year that she hasn't lost at least one tomato to Hornworms.

So we considered the Paper Wasps beneficials to be tolerated, if not exactly welcomed with open arms.

However, this year they have evidently felt that the old nest has reached its maximum limit and decided to add a new complex, and chose our patio umbrella for the site.  When we raised the umbrella, we discovered that they had begun to build the new nest in the folds of the umbrella fabric, so it ended up on top of the umbrella when we opened it up.  Since the new nest was still quite small, Cindy knocked it down with a long pole.

Then we noticed that they were starting over on the underside of the umbrella, so she knocked that one down, too.

It went on like this for weeks:  we put the umbrella down and they started constructing a new nest in the fabric folds; we put it back up and knocked that nest down and they would go back inside again.  Now they've apparently given up on the umbrella and decided to try constructing a nest inside the curtains around the hot tub; Cindy has knocked down a couple of nests there.  I don't know what it is that they like about fabric.  We could tolerate a second nest on the metal patio roof, but we really don't want one attached to either the umbrella or the curtains because they are a bit messy.

You have to admire their persistence, but we really wish they would find someplace else for their new condo complex.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Kay and Cindy, I've been battling wasps all summer. They want to nest near the house and then come on in when the patio room screen doors are opened. I've asked them to leave but they don't listen. Finally called the pros and they "dusted" several nests, including a very large one in the rain gutter. Yes they are agressive - one that got in the house kept coming at me and I finally had to spray it with hairspray before I swatted it. It pains me to do this, but they cannot live inside. I did a bit of reading on wasp social structure and the queen is called the "foundress" and she and her sisters start each new nest. She is not much bigger than the soldiers and workers, unlike bees.