Sunday, July 1, 2012

We Give Up

Need I Say More?
O.K., we surrender.  We've finally admitted that we can't effectively protect the tomato and the tomatillo in the grow bags in front of the garage from the depredations of the California Ground Squirrels.

They climbed over the temporary fencing, chewed through the pantyhose Cindy had put over some of the tomatoes, and came back again and again the raid those two bushes.

The bad news is that there's really no place to move those two plants to protect them any better; the good news is that the other tomato plants are doing so well that pretty soon we're going to be up to our kneecaps in ripe tomatoes.  We've already had BLTs, tomatoes in sandwiches, tomato sauce and tomatoes for breakfast.

I told Cindy that pretty soon she's going to be throwing tomatoes at the squirrels, urging them to eat some.  She says, "Never!"  She'll take the excess tomatoes and make tomato sauce out of them, then freeze it and we'll have it all winter long.

In fact, we're currently trying to finish up some of the veggies she froze last year before the beans, zucchini and pumpkin start producing this year.  It looks like the garden is going to produce lots and LOTS of produce this year.

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