Thursday, January 24, 2013

It's A Dilly

The cartoon character Ed Crankshaft has been planning his summer vegetable garden, which his son-in-law has dubbed "Farmageddon" (January 14, 2013).

In Monday's cartoon, Ed was ordering seeds for the garden and told his startled daughter "you'd be surprised how much cheaper it is by the ton."  (January 21, 2013).

We got a good laugh out of this one, because Cindy has also been ordering seeds for her garden.  Lots of seeds.  The UPS truck pulled up yesterday afternoon while we were sitting on the front porch and, yup, another box of seeds.

Dill Plants
Among the seeds Cindy ordered were some dill seeds.  She says she's never had much luck growing dill from seeds, but decided to try it anyway.  Then when she was preparing one of the raised beds the other day, she discovered that last year's dill plant had self-sown, and she had lots of little dill plants all over that bed.

Lots and lots of little dill plants.

So it looks like we'll have plenty of dill this year.  And the year after that, and the year after that....

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