Sunday, April 28, 2013

Aunt Cindy's Traveling Tomato Wagon

Tomato Wagon
Cindy has been carefully raising the tomatoes for this year's crop, sprouting the seeds and keeping the seedlings under grow lights in her office for most of the last month.  Later she moved them outside to "harden off" before they can be transplanted, and then she planted them before we left for Indiana.

However, as usual, all the seeds she planted actually sprouted, so she had to find good homes for the ones she didn't have room for.

So her little red wagon was pressed into service to deliver the plants to a couple of the neighbors who also love tomatoes.

Siletz, Cherokee Chocolate, Grape Riesenstraube, Brandwine, Early Girl, Champion and Boxcar Willie.

Who wouldn't love a tomato called Boxcar Willie?

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