Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Tomatoes In The Ground
Before we left for vacation, Cindy planted the tomatoes she had carefully raised from seeds.  She had planned to plant them in one of the newer raised beds behind the garage; she likes to rotate the crops and last year she had planted green beans in that bed.

However, she had evidently forgotten that last year the gophers had undermined that bed and gnawed off the roots of the bean stalks.  She didn't discover that for a while because she was using a mylar mulch to increase the light to that bed, and the varmints had simply tunneled under the cover of it and chewed away at their leisure.

This year when she went to plant the tomatoes, sure enough, there was a gopher hole in that bed.

So she ended up digging all the dirt out of the bed, cutting hardware cloth to fit, and stapling it to the sides of the frame.

We're hoping that will keep the varmints out, or else we'll have no tomatoes this year.
Mylar Mulch

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