Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Tomato Season Begins

Our tomatoes are beginning to ripen; we had the first BLT for lunch the other day, and it looks like it will be the first of many of them this season.

In fact, there seem to be so many of them that we'll probably be up to our kneecaps in tomatoes before too long.

So far we've had some of the Siletz and the Sweet Seedless tomatoes, and even three of the mystery tomatoes from the surprise plant that popped up among the roses in the front yard.  We still don't know what variety of tomato it was, or how it got there, but they were very sweet with good tomato flavor.  It's looking like those three were the only ones we'll get from that plant, but we saved some of the seeds for next year.

Good thing we love tomaotes.

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