Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Frisky Squirrels

Surveying The Yard
I guess it was appropriate for Valentine's Day yesterday that the ground squirrels were feeling a bit frisky.

First one of them climbed up on one of the blueberry bush containers and seemed to be surveying the surrounding yard.  The squirrels have been stuffing themselves on the birdseed and suet the birds drop from the feeders.  We have a baffle on the feeder pole, so they can't get directly into the feeders, although, unlike tree squirrels, these squirrels don't seem to be great climbers.
Squirrel Romance?

He must have liked what he saw from his perch, because he was soon joined by a second squirrel and they chased each other around in the decomposed granite for a while.

Unfortunately, this probably means there will be the pitter patter of little squirrel feet around the yard before long.  Bet they'll like blueberries, too.

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