Friday, February 18, 2011

Whose Nuts?

Mystery Nuts
When Cindy was digging in one of the new raised beds to add holders for the plexiglass panels she uses to keep the varmints out of the beds, she came upon a cache of twenty or so nuts that some critter had buried in the corner of the bed behind the irrigation connection.

We have no idea what kind of nuts they are or who stashed them there.  Some of the nuts had already begun to sprout, so Cindy popped some potting soil into small pots and replanted them.  Maybe when they leaf out we'll have some idea what they are.

We put some peanuts out in a container for the Scrub Jays a couple of days ago and noticed that they were all gone within a day, but there were no peanut shells on the ground.  Our guess is that the Jays carried the peanuts off to cache them for later, like the other critter did with the mystery nuts, so maybe they'll sprout and we'll have peanut plants growing on the hillside sometime in the future.

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