Monday, March 7, 2011

Rainy Day

I was watching TV last night when all four of the cats who were downstairs with me suddenly went on alert.  I hate it when they do that; I never know whether they've actually heard some threatening noise or they're just messing with my mind.  "Gotcha again, human.  Yuk, yuk, yuk."  (sound of cats laughing)  They will react to lizards but ignore coyotes in the back yard, so you never really know what's up.

But when I looked outside I saw that it was raining!  Not very hard, just a gentle, soft, steady rain that apparently continued throughout the night.  The sound the cats were reacting to must have been the rain water starting to trickle through our rain harvesting system.

This rain comes at a very good time because it will probably ensure that the plants will stay alive until Cindy gets home on Thursday.  I turned the irrigation system for the rose garden on the other day and discovered the next morning that the timer had evidently not turned off and water was running down the driveway, so I turned it back off.  So this rain will help keep everything alive.

It's amazing how excited we can get over an unexpected rainy day in San Diego.

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