Saturday, March 5, 2011

"Oh, Oh, Oh, Stayin' Alive, Stayin' Alive?"

That's the song I keep singing to our plants --at least I hope they're staying alive.  Cindy is visiting family in the midwest, so I'm in charge of keeping everything alive while she's gone.  She won't be too pleased if everything dies while she's gone.

We had a big rain a week ago, so the ground is still pretty damp, but some of the potted plants have needed a little water.  Fortunately, she has almost everything else automated, so it's not too hard to keep it going.  She planted some wildflower seeds in one of the beds in the back yard, but I think the birds and the squirrels got most of those shortly after she planted them.  Oooooh, seed buffet, yummy!

There's still no sign of anything coming up in the pots where Cindy planted the mystery nuts she found in the corner of the raised bed.  That was kind of a long shot, anyway, so we lose nothing if they don't come up, but then we'll never know what kind of nuts they were.

I know she'll get serious about planting things, starting tomatoes in the garage when she gets back and turning under the cover crop she planted a couple of months ago.  Those plants are about three feet high now and the sweet peas among them are really pretty.

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