Sunday, July 20, 2014

Mama Bird and Junior

We've been watching some birds at our backyard feeder today.  The one that caught our attention was a plump little fledgling House Finch that appeared to have just recently left the nest.  We spotted this little guy sitting on one of the metal branches of our feeder continually fluffing his wings.  He had most of his big bird feathers and could fly, but still had some downy feathers on his wings and on top of his head.
Junior House Finch

With him was another House Finch that we thought might be his mother.  Mama Bird seemed to be trying to show Baby how to use the feeder, hopping up on the perch and inserting her head into the holes of the feeder, but Baby was having none of it; he followed her onto the feeder perch occasionally, but never seemed to figure out what he was supposed to do there.  Instead, he sat on the metal branch and chirped at her to come feed him.  When she flew up onto the garage roof or into the Chinaberry tree, he followed her and then followed her back to the feeder.

"MaaaaMa...MaaaaMaaaa, Come Feed Me"

Mama Bird finally gave up and did feed him, but it's pretty clear that she thinks it's time for Junior to get out and fend for himself.

Welcome to the world, little bird.

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