Monday, July 7, 2014

Muir Woods

At the top of our list for our vacation trip to Northern California was a visit to the Coastal Redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens) at Muir Woods.

There is something incredibly peaceful and calming about being among the giant trees in a Redwood forest, and there's absolutely no aroma on earth like Redwoods, especially early in the morning.

Also, fortunately, not too many creatures on earth like the 8 inch Banana Slug we saw crawling over debris on the forest floor.

We spent several hours walking through along the forest trail, through the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees.

The water in the creek beside the trail was low, as California's drought continues, but these trees are amazing survivors, many showing evidence of damage from and regeneration in previous forest fires.

It's always a special place.  Even a short visit to it is, in John Muir's words, "the best gift any tree lover can have."

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